While our main focus is helping Vietnam Veterans understand the services they are entitled to, we are committed to assisting all veterans who have served our country. A basic principal of the Vietnam Veterans of America is that:

"Never again will one generation of Veterans abandon another"

Our Organization works not only in our local community but through our National and State Organizations, we work to insure that legislative and regulatory bodies are providing all veterans with the benefits and support they EARNED.

We hope that you will continue to support all veterans by sending a gift to VVA Chapter 1046 today. Please rest assured that your donation will be used to help both veterans and our community. You can review our financials by going to the IRS Form 990 that we file each year with the IRS. We appreciate your donations and commit to using them efficiently and effectively.

On the Subpages shown below, we have provided alternative ways to support your local Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter.

We can only carry out our mission to support our veterans and community if you will help us.  Your assistance can be in the form of a monetary donation, the contribution of clothing and other household items, an unneeded vehicle or as a volunteer.

Please check out the ways you can help by reviewing each of the subpages below.

God bless and remember "We will NEVER Forget".