Chapter Meetings


Chapter 1046 of the Vietnam Veterans of America holds it's chapter meetings at 9:30 AM on the Second Saturday of each month. The first hour and half  is for social time. The business meeting starts exactly at 11:00 AM. The  meetings are held at the Elks Lo0dge, 1855 West Road, Jacksonville, Fl 32216.  A link to directions is provided below. Meetings last approximately one hour.


The meeting agendas include updates on Community Outreach projects and chapter events. Occasionly a speaker presents information of interest to our members and other veterans. Minutes are kept and a Treasurer's report is presented. Members and guests share information on what is going on that could have an affect on Veteran's health isssues, federal, state and local legislation affecting veterans and benefits available to veterans from government entities and businesses.


The meeting is open to any one that has in interest in veterans affairs. Guests are always welcome. It is an excellent way to get to know other Vietnam veterans and to become aware of  what is happening that affects you as a veteran as well as finding out what military and veterans events are taking place in and around Duval County.




Come join us at our next meeting.



Click Here for a Map.

Minutes of chapter meetings can be viewed or downloaded. Click Here.