1046 Memorial Page
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1046 Members who have passed away.
"We Will Never Forget"
This Memorial page is dedicated to the members of Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1046 that have passed on. We honor them not only as fellow veterans but also as fellow chapter 1046 members that gave of their time and talent to the Chapter's mission and purpose. Each individual will be remembered for their contribution to the success of VVA Chapter 1046.
There are 58,000 plus names on the "Wall" in Washington. The tragedy of Vietnam is not just those men and women that gave all and are rightfully recognized on the "Wall", but also those veterans of the Vietnam War, whose lives were shortened because of injuries, physical and mental. A review of the ages of 6 of the 7 VVA Chapter 1046 members that have already passed is a clear indication of this tragedy.
I chose the song that plays on this page with much discernment. Country Joe McDonald and the Fish were among the most significant musical artists singing protest songs in the 60's. But, in some way, the Agent Orange Song by Country Joe McDonald captures how many of us feel as we deal with our maladies that most likely came from our exposure to Agent Orange and other toxins. (Except most of us would serve again).
VVA Chapter 1046 was Chartered in October, 2010. In less than four years, we have lost seven members. It is extremely difficult to know that the number of members that will pass will only increase in the coming months and years.
Name Hometown Branch Years Served D.O.B. - D.O.D. Obituary
Bertrand, Les Anahuac, Texas U.S. Navy 1963 - 1986 1946 -2016
Cavoores, Ted Rockaway Bch. N.Y. U.S. Airforce 1945-2010
Collier, Jim Tampa, Fl. U.S. Marine Corp 1968 - 1971 ? - 2015
Cullen, George Weymouth, MA U.S. Navy ? - 2014