Agent Orange/TBI/PTSD
"Never again will one generation of veterans abandon another"
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Agent Orange Charity
Agent Orange Newsletter - 2021
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Welcome to the 2021 issue of the annual Agent Orange Newsletter. This issue presents a profile of Vietnam Veteran Michelle Taylor; new Agent Orange presumptions; information about free yoga and meditation classes; services provided by VA Environmental Health Coordinators; and more. Find past issues of the Agent Orange Newsletter. Find more information for Vietnam-era Veterans.
VA adds three new Agent Orange presumptions VA added three new conditions that are related to exposure to Agent Orange and other herbicides: bladder cancer, hypothyroidism, and Parkinsonism.
VA's Environmental Health Coordinators - Connecting you to registry exams and information Environmental Health Coordinators can help you sign up for registry exams and assist you in finding information about different military exposures and health.
VA's WRIISC presents remote meditation and yoga classes to improve your health Learn about free, ongoing classes to help Veterans relax and relieve stress.
VA's Spina Bifida Health Care Benefits Program VA offers the Spina Bifida Health Care Benefits Program for eligible children of Vietnam Veterans and Korean War Veterans.
Liver fluke infection and bile duct cancer Vietnam Veterans may have had liver fluke infections from eating raw or undercooked fish while in Vietnam. Rarely, these liver fluke infections can lead to a cancer of the bile ducts called cholangiocarcinoma.
VA's tactical herbicide and Agent Orange location list - New updates Tactical herbicides such as Agent Orange had limited usage, testing, or storage in several other countries besides Vietnam, such as the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), Thailand, and United States. VA and the Department of Defense have partnered together to investigate where and when Agent Orange and other tactical herbicides were present, and to update a list of locations online.
Vietnam Veteran profile Michelle Taylor - Former nurse and Agent Orange Registry participant Read about Michelle Taylor, a Vietnam Veteran and a participant in the Agent Orange Registry.
Intergeneraltional health effects and exposures Read about findings on intergenerational health effects from exposures during deployment.
"We Will NEVER Forget"