JROTC Program
The Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 1046 has established the support of JROTC programs in Duval County as a priority in our Community Outreach Programs. In addition to support of the JROTC in Duval County, we have established a scolasrship award for a JROTC member.
Meeting With Dr. Donnie Horner, Commissioner of Education, Jacksonville, Florida
Text: On December 5, 2011, four members of VVA Chapter 1046 met with Dr. Donnie Horner, Commissioner of Education for the City of Jacksonville, Florida. The meeting was assembled in the Mayor's Conference Room. Present with Dr. Horner were, Mike Montgomery (President 1046), Tony D'Aleo (Vice President 1046), Jim Collier (Treasurer 1046) and Ross Lewis (Director of Public Relations, 1046).
Dr. Horner, a West Point graduate from the Class of '81, was extremely receptive and supportive of our proposal to present Educational Scholarships to two JROTC Cadets within the Jacksonville community. The two Scholarships will be a total of $500.00 as approved by the 1046 membership. Dr. Horner also suggested that we partner with the Mandarin High School for these scholarships. In addition Dr. Horner proposed a meeting with the Principal of Mandarin High School and ROTC officers and officials within the high school. That meeting has been scheduled for January 20, 2012 to discuss the details of the scholarships and their presentations during the Spring of 2012. In addition, additional future, educational projects which we, as an organization, may be able to support will be discussed.
Dr. Horner also communicated that Mayor Brown was enthusiastic about our community support and that it was clearly in concert with the Mayor's initiations to have strong attention to veterans within the City of Jacksonville.